Running, Life & Stuff - podcast

Introducing Running, Life & Stuff, the captivating podcast that takes you on an exhilarating journey through the world of running, life, and everything in between. Launched by Craig on January 2, 2024, this brand-new fortnightly show offers listeners a unique blend of inspiring stories, insightful conversations, and practical tips to fuel their passion for running and embrace the adventures of everyday life.

At the helm of this exciting podcast is Craig, a dedicated trail runner, coffee aficionado, and seeker of life's greatest adventures. With a humble demeanor and a wealth of experiences to share, Craig invites listeners into his world – from the trails where he finds solace and inspiration, to the twists and turns of his personal life journey. Despite juggling a demanding job in the health and fitness industry, Craig's enthusiasm for running and zest for life shine through in every episode.

One of the defining moments in Craig's journey was his participation in the Race Across Scotland, a grueling 215-mile ultra marathon along The Southern Upland Way. As he trained for and tackled this epic challenge, Craig discovered the true extent of his physical and mental resilience, along with a treasure trove of unforgettable tales. From navigating treacherous terrain to pushing past the limits of endurance, Craig's experiences resonate with anyone who has ever dared to push themselves beyond their comfort zone.

Joining Craig as co-presenter for this exhilarating podcast is Anna Tyler, also known as Tyles. With over 15 years of broadcasting experience, Anna brings a wealth of knowledge and a fresh perspective to the show. From her days as part of the Capital East Midlands breakfast team to her current role as a freelancer for media giant Global Radio, Anna's passion for storytelling and her knack for engaging conversation add depth and dynamism to each episode.

Together, Craig and Anna create a dynamic duo that captivates listeners with their infectious energy, genuine camaraderie, and unwavering commitment to delivering top-notch content. Whether you're an avid runner seeking inspiration, a fellow adventurer craving tales from the trails, or simply someone navigating the ups and downs of life, Running, Life & Stuff offers something for everyone.

If you're interested in exploring collaboration or sponsorship opportunities with Running, Life & Stuff, we invite you to join us on this exciting journey. Let's partner together to create meaningful and impactful content that resonates with our audience and makes a lasting impact in the running and lifestyle community. Reach out to us today to start the conversation – we can't wait to hear from you! Learn More...