Craig’s a trail runner, coffee lover, and adventure seeker. Join him fortnightly on a Tuesday as he chats all things running, life & stuff!
Welcome to this episode! During this one you’ll hear some pros and cons of dating other runners from a professional relationship coach – the best advice on the market!
Rachel New is a dating and relationship coach and educator in London, UK. Drawing on her work in the University of Oxford, Rachel has an evidence-based approach, using published scientific research to inform her advice. She also encourages ethical and healthy dating—treating others well, looking after yourself and using a mindful approach.
Rachel has published four books, including a dating workbook, dating diary, a collection of mindfulness activities and an anthology of speculative short stories (co-authored with her partner), Artificial Futures, about relationships and technology.
Rachel’s official site: https://rachelnewdatingcoach.co.uk
To get in touch with the Pod, please email: craig@runninglifestuff.com
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